Abstract No.: 16132
Citation: J Clin Oncol 26: 2008 (May 20 suppl; abstr 16132)
Author(s): E. J. Rivarola, C. García Gerardi, D. Santillan, G. Martín Reinas, M. Abal, J. C. Calarame, E. Gil Deza, E. Morgenfeld, F. G. Gercovich
Background: Testicular cancer represents only 1% of all oncological diagnoses in men. It is, however, of peculiar importance, given that it is the most frequent solid tumor found in teenagers and young adults (age range: 15 to 35 years) andhas a high rate of cure. Objective: The aim of this study is to present and analyze the cohort of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of GGTT treated at our Institution.
Materials and Methods: Our institute's database, which covers the past 10 years, was analyzed, and the patients diagnosed with GGTT were selected. Patients who had "extra-gonadal" tumors, were excluded from the present series. The patients were categorized in two different groups: "seminomatous" (S) and "non-seminomatous" (NS). The classification of the cases in risk groups was made following the International Consensus of the Collaborative Group. The risk groups were low, medium and high, based on two variables: the level of blood markers and site of metastasis. The treatment followed the guidelines of the NCCN.
Results: The number of evaluable patients was 265. The main characteristics of the population are outlined in table 1:
Conclusions: The GGTT are the most curable neoplasias amongst solid tumors. In our cohort we have found that the primary therapeutical objective (curability) has been reached, and correlates with the results that have been obtained by other prestigious international institutions. While this illness might not be frequent, it is very important considering the age range that encompasses.Table 1: Characteristics of the population.