BERKELEY, CA ( - The advent of PSA testing more than two decades ago has improved the early detection of prostate cancer, leading to more men being diagnosed and treated.
A stage migration has also been observed, such that the majority of men are now diagnosed with organ-confined disease.[1] Such patients can be managed with definitive therapy, in the form of wholegland treatment represented by radical prostatectomy (RP) and radiation therapy (RT), or active surveillance (with deferred treatment). However, defining the optimal management of this patient population remains difficult, largely because of the lack of randomized trials directly comparing the efficacy and morbidity of the various treatment options.
Interestingly, there is some controversy regarding whether the increased detection and treatment of prostate cancer have translated into a definitive survival or mortality benefit for men with screendetected cancer. Interim data from two longterm screening studies were published in 2009 and revealed conflicting results...View or save the full text Mini Review as a .pdf file
Carvell T. Nguyen and J. Stephen Jones
Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
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