Service d'urologie et chirurgie de la transplantation, hôpital Édouard-Herriot, 5, place d'Arsonval, 69437 Lyon cedex 03, France.
To report the functional and oncological outcomes of HIFU for prostate cancer in patients with a history of severe colorectal disease.
Between 2002 and 2009, 14 patients with a history of severe colorectal disease (cancer, lymphoma, inflammatory bowel diseases [IBD]) were treated with HIFU as a primary care option for localized prostate cancer.
Mean age was 65.8±6.1 years. Mean time between colorectal disease treatment and HIFU was 10.6±6.8 years. The mean Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) before HIFU was 12.1ng/mL (4.5-55). Gleason score was inferior or equal to 6 in four patients (28.6%), equal to 7 in nine patients (64.3%) and superior or equal to 8 in one patient (7.1%). The mean prostate volume before HIFU was 22.1±11.7mL. The number of HIFU sessions per patient was 1.35. The mean nadir PSA was 0.61±0.82ng/mL. Systematic control biopsies were negative in seven patients (50%). Mean follow-up was 22 months with a 35.7% complication rate (three erectile dysfunctions, two urinary stress incontinences). No recto-urethral fistula occurred.
HIFU was an interesting therapy for patients with a history of colorectal disease for whom regular treatment was challenging or non feasible.
Artcile in French.
Written by:
Mitach A, Crouzet S, Poissonier L, Rouvière O, Mege-Lechevallier F, Colombel M, Martin X, Gelet A. Are you the author?
Reference: Prog Urol. 2011 Oct;21(9):619-24.
doi: 10.1016/j.purol.2011.03.005
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21943658 Prostate Cancer Section