Tianjin Institute of Urology, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300211, China.
To study the clinical manifestations, pathological characteristics and treatment methods of prostate cancer with five different histological features.
We reported 1 case of prostate cancer with five different histological features and further analyzed the diagnosis, pathology and treatment of the disease by reviewing the relevant literature.
The patient was an 84-year-old male, admitted due to difficult urination and dribbling urine for 1 year, hematuria for 8 months and deterioration for 2 weeks. Prostate cancer was indicated by rectal examination, ultrasonography, CT, MRI and PSA, and confirmed by biopsy. Considering the general condition of the patient, we performed electrotransurethral resection under epidural anesthesia to alleviate his urinary symptoms and remove suspected tumor tissues. Postoperative pathology showed the case to be prostate adenocarcinoma, histologically characterized by cribriform carcinoma, acinar carcinoma, diffuse invasive carcinoma, ductal carcinoma, and mucinous adenocarcinoma, with a Gleason score of 9. Bicalutamide and goserelin were administered postoperatively. Systemic metastasis occurred 10 months later, and the patient died 1 year after the operation.
Prostate cancer with five different histological features is extremely rare. Its early diagnosis is difficult and mainly depends on pathological and immunohistochemical examinations, and radical prostatectomy can be considered for its treatment.
Article in Chinese.
Written by:
Chen J, Quan CY, Chang JW, Yang YM, Li B, Chang WL, Wang J, Niu YJ. Are you the author?
Reference: Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2011 Sep;17(9):825-8.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21961246
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