Penile metastasis of prostatic adenocarcinoma. Case report - Abstract

OBJECTIVE: Penile metastases are late manifestations of a primary tumor, and they are a sign of poor prognosis. We report a case of a rare presentation: penile metastases from prostate cancer.

METHODS: 77 year-old male presented hematuria and acute urinary retention; on physical examination multiple hard lesions were detected. The patient underwent a Doppler ultrasound, subsequent penile and prostate biopsy, and staging study. Currently he is being treated with complete androgen blockade.

RESULTS: VA histological study of the penile biopsy showed penile metastasis from prostate adenocarcinoma. The histological study of prostate biopsy confirmed Gleason 8 (4+4) adenocarcinoma.

CONCLUSIONS: Despite of the different therapeutic alternatives for treatment of symptomatic penile metastases, it would be with palliative target; due to the median survival of these patients is less than a year.

Written by:
Ortiz Sánchez L, González Rodríguez I, Alonso Prieto MA, Carretero Zamora I, Monagas Arteaga S, Honrado Franco E, Gallo Rolania FJ.   Are you the author?
Urology Department, Complejo Asistencia De Leon, Leon, Spain.

Reference: Arch Esp Urol. 2011 Dec;64(10):985-987.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22228897

Article in English, Spanish. Prostate Cancer Section