Smokers: At risk for prostate cancer but unlikely to screen - Abstract

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. Evidence suggests that smokers may be at increased risk of prostate cancer compared to non-smokers.

In the present study we ask whether adult men who smoke are also less likely to undergo screening for prostate cancer. Adult men aged 46 and above completed a single questionnaire including demographic items and items concerning their smoking status and previous testing for prostate cancer. The questionnaire also included an 11 item numeracy scale. Compared to smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers were around two times more likely to have undergone screening for prostate cancer, and had been tested more frequently. Smokers are not only more likely to develop prostate cancer, they are, paradoxically, less likely to undergo screening for prostate cancer. Health care professionals need to be cognizant of individual differences in screening behavior and that smokers have a reduced likelihood of choosing to screen.

Written by: 
Rolison JJ, Hanoch Y, Miron-Shatz T. Are you the author? 
University of Plymouth, UK.

Reference: Addict Behav. 2012 Jun;37(6):736-8. 
doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2012.02.006

PubMed Abstract 
PMID: 22370523