Management of advanced prostate cancer in elderly patients - Abstract

With the increase of the senior demographic, an increase in cancer including prostate cancer has been seen.

The challenge is to offer personalized cancer care because of population specificity. The only way is to share two experiences: the oncologist's experience who knows prostate cancer, prognosis and adverses effects of treatments and geriatrician's experience who consider old patients in their entirety thanks to comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA). This article provides data about treatments of prostate cancer and geriatric evaluation to demonstrate the importance to work together for a "tailored" care.

Written by:
Bompas E, Dedecker L. Are you the author?
CO - centre René-Gauducheau, service d'oncologie médicale, boulevard Jacques-Monod, 44405 Nantes, France.

Reference: Bull Cancer. 2012 Apr 17. Epub ahead of print.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22511114 Prostate Cancer Section