GU Cancers Symposium 2013 - Variations in treatment modality use for the definitive management of prostate cancer in the United States, by Jay P. Ciezki, MD , et al. - Poster

ORLANDO, FL, USA ( - No prospective, randomized comparative efficacy trial exists to guide treatment of definitively managed prostate cancer patients. Several non-randomized reports exist that suggest equivalence of outcome.

Despite this lack of non-randomized data, treatment selection varies nationally and we attempt to assess these patterns of use....Click here to enlarge and view the poster.


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Presented by Jay P. Ciezki, MD,1 Chandana A. Reddy, MS,1 James Ulchaker, MD,2 Kenneth Angermeier, MD,2 Kevin Stephans, MD,1 Rahul Tendulkar, MD,1 Nabil Chehade, MD,3 Andrew Altman, MD,3 Eric Klein, MD2 at the 2013 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium - February 14 - 16, 2013 - Rosen Shingle Creek - Orlando, Florida USA

1Department of Radiation Oncology, Cleveland Clinic; 2Glickman Urologic Institute, Cleveland Clinic; 3Department of Urology, Kaiser Permanente - Ohio


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