ASCO 2013 - Poster: Results from a phase I study of enzalutamide in combination with docetaxel in men with prostate cancer

CHICAGO, IL USA ( - Presented by Mark T. Fleming,1 Dana E. Rathkopf,2 Jackie Gibbons,3 Amy C. Peterson,3 Alison Hannah,3 David Forer,3 Howard I. Scher,2 and Michael J. Morris2 at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting - May 31 - June 4, 2013 - McCormick Place - Chicago, IL USA

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1Virginia Oncology Associates, Norfolk, VA; 2Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; 3Medivation, Inc., San Francisco, CA


The ASCO Annual Meeting brings together more than 25,000 oncology professionals from a broad range of specialties, making it an excellent venue for exploring the theme of the Meeting — "Building Bridges to Conquer Cancer."

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