Pharmaco and diet based prostate cancer prevention - Abstract

In 2010, in France, 8,790 men died from prostate cancer despite a low and decreasing mortality rate.

The individual risk/benefit ratio of prostate cancer screening is the focus of controversy and currently not in favor of a systematic screening program. Therefore, only prevention could reduce incidence, side effects of treatment and related mortality. Interestingly, prostate cancer prevention is also a field of controversy mainly about 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. However, it could be expected that pharmaco- or diet-based prevention will be a huge tool for cancer control, even more for prostate cancer burden. This review comprehensively analyses which molecules or compounds could be used in preventive trials. With regard to pharmaco-prevention, three different kinds of drugs could be identified. First drugs, which aim at mainly or even solely reduce prostate cancer risk such as 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor modulators. Drugs, which aim at wider preventive impact such as: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or difluoromethylornithine. Lastly, drugs for which reducing prostate cancer incidence is merely a side effect such as statins, metformin or histones desacetylase inhibitors. With regard to diet-based prevention, two main approaches could be identified: aliments and nutriments, on one hand, and vitamin and minerals, on the other. Interestingly if compounds reach experimental plausibility, natural foods or even global diet seem to have a higher impact. Lastly, besides assessment of efficacy, effectiveness required the critical step of compliance, which might actually be the weakest link of the prevention chain.

Written by:
Eisinger F, Cancel-Tassin G, Azzouzi AR, Gravis G, Rossi D, Cussenot O.   Are you the author?
Institut Paoli-Calmettes (IPC), département d'anticipation et de suivi des cancers (Cancer Control Department), 232, boulevard Sainte-Marguerite, 13009 Marseille, France; Inserm, UMR 912, Economy and Social Sciences, Health Care Systems and Society, SE4S, 13273 Marseille, France; Aix-Marseille université, 13284 Marseille, Cedex 07 France.

Reference: Bull Cancer. 2013 May 1;100(5):497-507.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23694994 Prostate Cancer Section