Beyond abiraterone: New hormonal therapies for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer - Abstract

Prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease where the previous concept of "hormone-resistance" has been changed by a new generation of hormonal therapies that have proven efficacy in the castration-resistant setting.

The fact is that androgens play a crucial role in the whole clinical course of prostate cancer, even when a patient meets castration-resistance criteria. The development of abiraterone showed how important and clinically meaningful can be to achieve the lowest possible levels of testosterone, and androgen receptor overexpression, mutation or enhanced cross-talk with other pathways, which can also be targeted with new agents tested in the last few years. New androgen biosynthesis inhibitors have been developed, such as orteronel (TAK-700), but also new antiandrogens (enzalutamide, ARN-509, ODM-201) or even agents with a dual mechanism of action (galeterone). In this review the development of new hormonal therapies following the arrival of abiraterone for the treatment of prostate cancer will be summarized.

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Pinto A.   Are you the author?
Medical Oncology Department; University Hospital La Paz; IdiPAZ; Madrid, Spain.

Reference: Cancer Biol Ther. 2013 Oct 7;15(2).

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24100689 mCRPC Treatment Section