BACKGROUND: With incidence rates for prostate cancer increasing each year in the UK, information and support for men with prostate cancer is crucial.
Yet GPs have identified this as an area where they lack knowledge and confidence. Prostate Cancer UK commissioned a training needs analysis for healthcare professionals to inform the development of their education and training strategy. This paper presents the findings for GPs, taken from a wider study of healthcare professionals.
AIM: To complete a review of current education provision and need to inform the development of an educational strategy for UK healthcare professionals.
METHOD: A mixed methods study including a web-based review of education provision in prostate cancer in the UK, an online questionnaire and telephone interviews.
RESULTS: The web-site search identified five educational opportunities specifically targeted at GPs. A total of 72 GPs responded to the online questionnaire. Of those responding, 39 (54.2%) GPs identified the need for further education and training in order to care effectively for men with prostate cancer.
CONCLUSION: GPs identified a number of training needs to enable them to support men with prostate cancer. There was no clear preferred mode of educational delivery, with online learning seen as acceptable.
Written by:
Moule P, Gibbard E, Pollard K. Are you the author?
Health Services Research, University of Western England, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, Glenside Campus, Blackberry Hill, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1DD, UK; Avon Primary Care Research Collaborative; University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
Reference: Educ Prim Care. 2014 Sep;25(5):257-62.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25625832