Trends in surgical and ablative treatment of localised renal cell carcinoma: A review of publication trends over 16 years (2000-2015).

Objective: To investigate the bibliometric (publication) trends in surgical and ablative treatment of localised renal cell carcinoma (RCC) over a period of 16-years, from 2000 to 2015, as publication trends reflect clinical practice and new innovations. Material and methods: We performed a systematic review using PubMed over a 16-year period from 2000 to 2015 for all published papers on surgical and ablative management of renal tumours. Data were further analysed in two time periods, period-1 (2000-2007) and period-2 (2008-2015). Results: During the last 16 years a total of 2415 papers were published on surgical (n = 1662, 69%) and ablative (n = 753, 31%) management of RCC. This included partial nephrectomy (PN; n = 1662, 69%), cryoablation (CA; n = 405, 17%), and radiofrequency ablation (RFA; n = 348, 14%). When comparing the two time periods for PN, during period-2, the change was +189% (P < 0.001), +69% (P = 0.004) and +4600% (P < 0.001) for open PN, laparoscopic PN and robotic PN, respectively. Regarding ablative techniques, a change of +109% (P = 0.002) and +78% (P = 0.036) was seen for CA and RFA, respectively. There was also a significant rise in percutaneous CA when compared to laparoscopic CA (P < 0.002). Conclusions: There has been a rise in all forms of PN and ablative techniques over the last 16 years. This rise has been particularly steep for robotic PN potentially reflecting a change in surgical practice. Abbreviations: CA: cryoablation; CC: correlation coefficient; MIS: minimally invasive surgery/surgical; NSS: nephron-sparing surgery; (L)(O)(R)PN: (laparoscopic) (open) (robotic) partial nephrectomy; PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; RFA: radiofrequency ablation; RN: radical nephrectomy; SRM: small renal mass.

Arab journal of urology. 2019 May 15*** epublish ***

Amelia Pietropaolo, Patrick Jones, Omar M Aboumarzouk, Bhavan P Rai, C Richard W Lockyer, Matt C Hayes, Rob Geraghty, Adityanarayan Bhatnagar, Bhaskar K Somani

Department of Urology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, Southampton, UK., Department of Urology, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow, UK., Department of Urology, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Middlesbrough, UK., Department of Clinical Oncology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, Southampton, UK.