The role of cytoreductive nephrectomy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is currently debated, with the advancements in target therapy development. The aim of our work was to present an interesting case report with mini review to describe the important role of cytoreductive nephrectomy for kidney cancer control that failed to respond well to Sutent, in spite of good response for all metastases. Medline review of related English publication was conducted and included to the study. RCC response to Sutent is inferior to the response of its metastases. Cytoreductive nephrectomy still plays an important role in metastatic RCC and may be an integral part for cancer control, in properly selected patients.
Journal of surgical case reports. 2019 Nov 11*** epublish ***
Ahmad Beltagy, Asmaa Ismail, Hazem Elmansy, Walid Shahrour, Owen Prowse, Ahmed Kotb
Department of Urology, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.