Stage T3a renal cell carcinoma: Staging accuracy of CT for sinus fat, perinephric fat or renal vein invasion - Abstract

OBJECTIVE: To study the accuracy of CT for staging T3a (TNM 2009) renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

METHODS: Unenhanced and nephrographic phase CT studies of 117 patients (male:female = 82:35; age range, 21-86 years) with T1-T3a RCC were independently reviewed by 2 readers. The presence of sinus or perinephric fat, or renal vein invasion and tumour characteristics were noted.

RESULTS: Median (range) tumour size was 5.5 (0.9-19.0) cm; and 46 (39%), 16 (14%) and 55 (47%) tumours were pT1, pT2 and pT3a RCC, respectively. The sensitivity/specificity for sinus fat, perinephric fat and renal vein invasion were 71/79%, 83/76% and 59/93% (Reader 1) and 88/71%, 68/72% and 69/91% (Reader 2) with κ = 0.41, 0.43 and 0.61, respectively. Sinus fat invasion was seen in 47/55 (85%) cases with T3a RCC vs 16/55 (29%) and 33/55 (60%) for perinephric fat and renal vein invasion. Tumour necrosis, irregularity of tumour edge and direct tumour contact with perirenal fascia or sinus fat increased the odds of local invasion [odds ratio (OR), 2.5-3.7; p < 0.05; κ = 0.42-0.61]. Stage T3a tumours were centrally located (OR, 3.9; p = 0.0009).

CONCLUSION: Stage T3a RCC was identified with a sensitivity of 59-88% and specificity of 71-93% (κ = 0.41-0.61). Sinus fat invasion was the most common invasive feature.

ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: Centrally situated renal tumours with an irregular tumour edge, inseparable from sinus structures or the perirenal fascia and CT features of tumour necrosis should alert the reader to the possibility of Stage T3a RCC (OR, 2.5-3.9).

Written by:
Sokhi HK, Mok WY, Patel U.   Are you the author?
Department of Radiology, St George's Hospital and Medical School, London, UK.

Reference: Br J Radiol. 2015 Jan;88(1045):20140504.
doi: 10.1259/bjr.20140504

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25410425 Renal Cancer Section