[Onco-TESE and testicular cancer].

Fertility preservation is essential before cancer treatment. When ejaculated sperm preservation is not possible, testicular tissue can be surgically collected by Onco-TESE technic (Oncological Testicular Sperm Extraction) to isolate sperm. We report on our experience with Onco-TESE in testicular cancer patients at the Rouen University Hospital.

Retrospective study including all pubescent men, treated for testicular cancer, uni- or bilateral, before any carcinological therapy, who have undergone Onco-TESE at the Rouen University Hospital. Fragment weight, detection of sperm or its precursors were analysed. A histological interpretation of the testicular tumor was carried out. For each positive sample, straws were kept at the French Sperm Bank.

Twenty-four patients had an Onco-TESE: 58.34% severe sperm alteration (SSA) and 41.36% sperm collection failure (SCF), between 1996 and 2019. The mean age was 26.6 (±5.29) years. The mean procedure and length of stay were 71minutes (±30.7) and 3.75 days (±2.83), respectively. The rate of positive testicular biopsies (TB) was 58.33% overall and 66,67% in the case of TB on tumour testis. One patient had a Clavian-Dindo III complication. The mean number of straws preserved per patient was 14.28 (±15.34) for 7.14% use.

Our results seem to confirm that Onco-TESE is an effective solution for preserving fertility in men with testicular cancer in cases of SSA or SCF.


Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie. 2021 Feb 18 [Epub ahead of print]

A Giwerc, A Chebbi, H Dupuis, H Chiavelli, J-N Cornu, C Pfister, A Safsaf, N Rives, L Sibert

Service d'urologie et de transplantation, hôpital Saint-Louis, 1, avenue Claude-Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France. Electronic address: ., Service d'urologie, hôpital Saint-Joseph, 85, rue Raymond-Losserand, 75014 Paris, France., Service d'urologie et de transplantation, hôpital Charles-Nicolle, 1, rue de Germont, 76000 Rouen, France; Hôpital Charles-Nicolle, centre d'assistance médicale à la procréation, 1, rue de Germont, 76000 Rouen, France., Service d'anatomopathologie, hôpital Charles-Nicolle, 1, rue de Germont, 76000 Rouen, France., Service d'urologie et de transplantation, hôpital Charles-Nicolle, 1, rue de Germont, 76000 Rouen, France., Hôpital privé Jacques-Cartier, 6, avenue du Noyer-Lambert, 91300 Massy, France., Hôpital Charles-Nicolle, centre d'assistance médicale à la procréation, 1, rue de Germont, 76000 Rouen, France.