Cases, Prevalence & Mortality

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  • General Comments
    Testicular tumors are uncommon yet very responsive to treatment. Ninety five percent of these lesions are germ cell tumors and are classified as seminomas or nonseminomatous germ cell tumors [NSGCT]. Testicular tumors are very sensitive to chemotherapy or radiation and current therapies are directed at optimizing efficient therapy, minimizing exposure to avoid side effects and appropriately monitor patients. The retroperitoneal lymph node dissection still plays a central role in therapy as does the use of tumor markers. Another aspect of care is the follow up of long term survivors of earlier successful treatment
  • Incidence
    The incidence of the disease is slowly rising with approximately 7200 new cases this year. The reasons for this are unclear. The death rate remains exceeding low at less than 400 per year due to very effective therapy even in advanced disease


  • Baniel J, Foster RS, Rowland RG, Bihrle R, Donahue JP: Testis cancer: Complications of post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. J Urol 153:976-980, 1995.
  • Donohue JP, Thornhill JA, Foster RS, Bihrle R, Rowland RG, Einhorn LH: The role of retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy in clinical stage B testis cancer: The Indiana University experience (1965 to 1989). J Urol 153:85-89, 1995.
  • Einhorn LH: Salvage therapy for germ cell tumors. Semin Oncol 21:47-51, 1994.
  • Einhorn LH, Donohue JP: Advanced testicular cancer: Update for urologists. J Urol 160:1964-1969. 1998.
  • Moller H, Skakkeback NE: Testicular cancer and cryptorchidism in relation to prenatal factors: Case control studies in Denmark. Cancer Causes Control 8:904-12, 1997.
  • Nichols C, Loehrer P Sr: The story of second cancers in patients cured of testicular cancer: Tarnishing success of burnishing irrelevance. J Natl Cancer Inst 89:1304-1305, 1997.
  • Wegner HEH, Hubotter A, Andresen R, Miller K: Testicular microlithiasis and concomitant testicular intraepithelial neoplasia. Int Urol Nephrol 30:313-315, 1998.