Ambiguous Genitalia Articles


  • Clinical, hormonal and radiological profile of 46XY disorders of sexual development.

    46 XY disorders of sexual development (DSD) cover a wide spectrum of phenotypes ranging from unambiguous female genitalia to ambiguous male genitalia with hypospadias or dysgenetic gonads. Management of these patients depends on the cause of DSD, degree of feminization, age at presentation, and gender orientation.

    Published June 20, 2016
  • Steroid 5α-Reductase 2 Deficiency.

    Dihydrotestosterone is a potent androgen metabolite formed from testosterone by action of 5α-reductase isoenzymes. Mutations in the type 2 isoenzyme cause a disorder of 46,XY sex development, termed 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency and that was described forty years ago.

    Published June 1, 2016