Prospective Evaluation of Ureteral Wall Thickness (UWT) to Predict Spontaneous Stone Passage “Presentation”

May 4, 2024

Andrei Cumpanas from UC Irvine presented a study on ureteral wall thickness and stone size's predictability for spontaneous stone passage, concluding that while thicker ureteral walls correlated with lower passage likelihood, it lost significance when adjusting for stone size.


Andrei D. Cumpanas, MD, Researcher, Department of Urology, The University of California, Irvine, CA


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Andrei D. Cumpanas: Dear, viewers. My name is Andrei Cumpanas. I'm a LIFT research scholar here at University of California, Irvine's Department of Urology, and today, I'll be presenting the results of our study, Prospective Evaluation of Ureteral Wall Thickness to Predict Spontaneous Stone Passage.

We sought to assess whether ureteral wall thickness alone or in combination with stone size would improve the predictability of spontaneous stone passage. 140 patients with acute renal colic who opted for a trial of spontaneous stone passage were enrolled. Multiple simple binary logistic regression models were used to assess the correlation between previously established risk factors and spontaneous stone passage.

Subsequently, a multivariate binary logistic regression model was used to validate the univariate relationship. Larger, wider, and denser stones surrounded by a thicker ureteral wall thickness had a lower likelihood of spontaneous stone passage. While significant on a univariate model, ureteral wall thickness lost its significance in the multivariate analysis. Only stone width retained significance upon a multivariate model. In conclusion, in a prospective cohort study, when adjusting for stone size, ureteral wall thickness was not found to be a significant predictive factor for spontaneous stone passage. Thank you.