The Virility Paradox, A Book Review with Charles Ryan

January 22, 2018

(Length of Discussion: 28 min)

J. Kellogg Parsons, MD interviews Charles Ryan, MD on the release of his first book The Virility Paradox, The Vast Influence of Testosterone on our Bodies, Minds, and the World Around Us.

Charles shares the inspiration that drove him to write The Virility Paradox, his take on the influence testosterone has played on evolution, its impact on the way we interact with one another, and the impact it has on our bodies and our brains.

“As urologist and oncologist in treating prostate cancer, we take one of life’s most important chemicals and deplete it in our patients and that is what controls cancer and I thought wow, this is fascinating”.

He discusses a number of books which have influenced his writing and which have inspired him to write.  Reflecting on some of the challenging and satisfying aspects of writing his first book Dr. Ryan explained that finding the perfect place to thread the needle between science and storytelling to appeal a broader audience was a welcomed challenged.  A series of stories of people affected by this molecule. 

The Virility Paradox: The Vast Influence of Testosterone on Our Bodies, Minds, and the World We Live In

Read More:

Five Ways that Writing a Book Improved my Care of CRPC Patients - Charles Ryan


Charles J. Ryan, MD

J. Kellogg Parsons, MD, MHS, is a board-certified urologist who specializes in treating prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), bladder cancer, and kidney cancer. 

Parsons is an expert in cryosurgery, laser surgery, robotic surgery, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the prostate, and is internationally recognized for his work in prostate disease and urologic oncology. He has published over 130 scientific research articles, edited four medical textbooks, and received research grants from the NIH/National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and Department of Defense. Dr. Parsons currently serves as a consulting editor for European Urology and European Urology Focus and is an associate editor for Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases.  Author of Doing Harm, published in 2014, Under the Knife, published in 2016 and Dr. Parsons is working on a 3rd forthcoming book.