Evaluation of Urinary Bladder Function in Patients with Lumbar Intervertebral Disk Protrusion
Background: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) have been described in patients with bladder dysfunction due to prolapsed lumbar disks. Progressive compression caused by lumbar disk herniation leads to loss of bladder sensation and voiding difficulty due to an acontractile detrusor.
Objective: Our objective in this study was to determine the cystometric findings in patients with lumbar intervertebral disk protrusion (LDP).
Methods: 80 patients with lumbar disk protrusion were included in this study. Their mean age was 39.9 years (26-64), 58 patients (72.5%) were males, and 22 (27.5%) were females. They were divided into two groups according to their urodynamic results: patients in Group I had normal detrusor function (52 patients), and patients in Group II had abnormal detrusor activity (28 patients). Thorough histories and clinical examinations, including general examinations, urological examinations, and neurological examinations, were done for each patient. Uroflowmetry and cystometry were done for the evaluation.
Results: 18 out of 28 patients in Group II had acontractile detrusor, 7 patients had detrusor underactivity, and 3 patients had neurogenic detrusor overactivity. 35 patients (43.75%, 12 from Group I, 23 from Group II) presented with urological symptoms, and all had more than one symptom. Of the 28 patients in Group II, 23 reported LUTS suggestive of bladder outlet obstruction, and only 5 patients in Group II showed no urological symptoms (P<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding multiple LDP affections (P<0.05). There was a high percentage of non-contained LDP in Group II with a statistically significant difference (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Acontractile detrusor represents the most common cystometric finding in patients with LDP. Neurogenic detrusor overactivity may occur in the initial stage of the disease. Patients with multiple, diffuse, and non-contained LDP are more liable to have abnormal detrusor activity.
Keywords: Lumbar intervertebral disk protrusion, urodynamics, acontractile detrusor
Correspondence: Mohamed Hassan, Urology Department, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt,