AUA 2014 - Male Infertility

#AUA14 - The risk of congenital birth defects is not associated with semen parameters - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - In this AUA poster session, Dr. Michael Eisenberg presented evidence that suggests an increased risk of congenital anomalies for children who were conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART), so in their study, the authors wanted to assess the relationship between sperm quality and rates of congenital defects.

#AUA14 - Semen quality, infertility, and mortality in the United States - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - It is hypothesized that changes in the reproductive ability of men may have an association with different pathologies.

#AUA14 - Prevalence of and impact of health-significant comorbidities in Caucasian-European men presenting for primary couple’s infertility-results of a cross-sectional survey - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Lower general health status is often associated with male factor infertility. In this AUA presentation, Dr. Michele Colichhia presented her group’s efforts to study the prevalence of the impact of infertility on comorbidities in a population of European men.

#AUA14 - Mood disorders among men with non-obstructive azoospermia: A prospective analysis - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - It is well known that infertility and efforts to reintroduce new mechanisms for pregnancy causes significant distress in patients. In this AUA 2014 presentation, Dr. Aaron Bernie presented on their prospective study in which they assessed the relationship of anxiety and depression in men who were evaluated for non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA)

#AUA14 - Klinefelter’s syndrome: An under diagnosed and under treated cause of male infertility - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Klinefelter’s syndrome (KS) is considered to be the most common cause of genetic male infertility. Dr. Daniel T. Oberlin hypothesized in their study that KS is not well diagnosed and it may be associated with co-morbidities that need medical attention. They presented on their finding during this poster presentation.