Gender Differences in Kidney Stone Disease (KSD): Findings from a Systematic Review - Beyond the Abstract

The prevalence of kidney stone disease is rising worldwide. Historically it has affected men more than women. Our aim was to investigate further if this gender gap still exists or if it is narrowing. In addition to this, we sought to determine if there exist other gender differences between genders in regards to quality of life, stone composition, post-operative complications, pediatric urology, and ambient temperature.

One of the key findings of this study is the confirmation that the gender gap is indeed closing. This is associated with the sharper rise in female prevalence than males in recent times. This is particularly the case during adolescence, However, men are more likely to present with stone disease at an earlier age as well as be found to have a concomitant metabolic disorder. Oestrogen seems to have a protective role in preventing stone disease to some extent. In accordance with what has been previously reported, females were found to be at greater risk of sepsis after stone surgery.

Written by: Patrick Juliebø-Jones1 & Bhaskar K. Somani2

  1. Department of Urology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
  2. Department of Urology, University Hospital Southampton, Southampton, UK

Read the Abstract