Prostate Cancer
Recent Abstracts
Utility of immunohistochemistry markers in the interpretation of post-high-intensive focussed ultrasound prostate biopsy cores - Abstract
April 13, 2012
Active surveillance in men with localized prostate cancer: A systematic review - Abstract
April 13, 2012
Prolonged treatment with three-weekly docetaxel plus daily prednisolone for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: A multicenter, phase II, open-label, non-comparative, extension study in Japan - Abstract
April 12, 2012
Multiparametric prostate MRI for follow-up monitoring after radiation therapy - Abstract
April 12, 2012
A comprehensive review of incidence and survival in patients with rare histological variants of prostate cancer in the United States from 1973 to 2008 - Abstract
April 12, 2012
ASTRO responds to study on growth of IMRT for prostate cancer
April 11, 2012
Comparison of seed brachytherapy or external beam radiotherapy (70 Gy or 74 Gy) in 919 low-risk prostate cancer patients - Abstract
April 11, 2012
Late rectal bleeding after 3D-CRT for prostate cancer: Development of a neural-network-based predictive model - Abstract
April 11, 2012
Gold marker displacement due to needle insertion during HDR-brachytherapy for treatment of prostate cancer: A prospective cone beam computed tomography and kilovoltage on-board imaging (kV-OBI) study - Abstract
April 11, 2012
Two genetic deletions in human genome linked to the development of aggressive prostate cancer
April 10, 2012
In vivo versus in vitro individual radiosensitivity analysed in healthy donors and in prostate cancer patients with and without severe side effects after radiotherapy - Abstract
April 10, 2012
A new era for castrate resistant prostate cancer: A treatment review and update - Abstract
April 10, 2012
A possible link between the pubertal growth of girls and prostate cancer in their sons - Abstract
April 10, 2012
Learning image context for segmentation of the prostate in CT-guided radiotherapy - Abstract
April 9, 2012
Radical prostatectomy for low-risk prostate cancer following initial active surveillance: Results from a prospective observational study - Abstract
April 9, 2012
Hormonal treatment in biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy - Abstract
April 9, 2012
Does baseline total testosterone improve the yielding of prostate cancer screening? - Abstract
April 9, 2012
Systemic inflammation and survival of patients with prostate cancer: Evidence from the Glasgow Inflammation Outcome Study - Abstract
April 9, 2012
Prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer in older men in the United States of America - Abstract
April 9, 2012
Adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy in men with prostate cancer: A focus on metabolic and cardiovascular complications - Abstract
April 9, 2012
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