AUA 2014

auaAmerican Urological Association (AUA)
Annual Meeting
May 16 - 21, 2014

Orlando, Florida USA

#AUA14 - Bladder reinnervation using a primarily motor donor nerve (femoral nerve branches) is functionally superior to using a primarily sensory donor nerve (genitofemoral nerve) - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - The research group aims to determine if transfer of a primarily motor somatic nerve (femoral, F) to the anterior vesical branch of the pelvic nerve (PN) allows better reinnervation of the detrusor muscle after spinal root injury, compared to a primarily sensory nerve (genitofemoral, GF).

#AUA14 - Quality of life and urolithiasis: The patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Urolithiasis is a highly morbid condition with significant pain/discomfort and common recurrence among patients.

#AUA14 - The number of systematic biopsy cores raises predominantly the detection of insignificant cancer - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - There are three systematic biopsy approaches for prostate biopsies: transrectal, parallel needle transperineal, and angled needle transperineal.

#AUA14 - Validation of a novel inanimate ureteroscopy training model and a simulation-based flexible ureteroscopy training course - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - The adage "see one, do one, teach one," has long been used to describe the paradigm of procedural training in medical education.

#AUA14 - A prospective, multi-institutional study of flexible ureteroscopy for proximal ureteral stones less than 2cm - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Ureteroscopy (URS) has emerged as the first-line treatment for distal ureteral calculi, but optimal management for proximal ureteral stones still remains unclear.

#AUA14 - Inappropriate antibiotic utilization for renal colic in the emergency room - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - In the emergency setting, the use of urinalysis (UA) for patients with nephrolithiasis produces potentially confusing results.

#AUA14 - Predictive models for cytoreduction - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Dr. E. Jason Abel opened the presentation by stating that approximately 25% of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients demonstrate evidence of systemic metastases at the initial diagnosis.

#AUA14 - Complex pediatric urologic reconstruction utilizing the ASTRA technique: Preliminary experience at a single institution - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - In this session, results were presented from a series of patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) who were treated by a multidisciplinary surgical team in Chicago.

#AUA14 - Androgens delay urethral healing by increasing duration and intensity of the inflammatory phase and proliferative phase - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - A popular conundrum that is frequently discussed at meetings of pediatric urologists is whether androgen supplementation impacts healing during hypospadias surgery.

#AUA14 - Who should perform pediatric nephrectomy – urologist or general surgeon? - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - An interesting presentation used the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) database to compare the volume and outcomes of all-cause nephrectomies at freestanding children’s hospitals by pediatric urologists and general pediatric surgeons.