AUA 2014

auaAmerican Urological Association (AUA)
Annual Meeting
May 16 - 21, 2014

Orlando, Florida USA

#AUA14 - Changing national trends for adrenalectomy: The influence of surgeon and technique - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - At this podium session, Dr. Adam Callaway presented a study looking at national trends in adrenalectomy with regards to surgeon and surgical approach type, and factors impacting surgical approach.

#AUA14 - Safety, minimization and awareness radiation training (SMART) reduces fluoroscopy time during unilateral ureteroscopy - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Exposure to ionizing radiation during endourological procedures is a significant hazard in the career of a urologist.

#AUA14 - A randomized trial of ultrasound versus computed tomography for imaging patients with suspected nephrolithiasis - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - When patients present to the emergency room with acute renal colic, imaging is obtained for further evaluation and diagnosis. Computed tomography (CT) imaging is considered the gold standard imaging modality for urolithiasis and has increasingly been used to exclude other diagnoses and confirm urinary stone disease.

#AUA14 - Novel navigation system integrating GPS technology with movable tablet display of surgical 3D model for percutaneous intervention - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - The efficacy of percutaneous interventions depends greatly on the accuracy of guidance. This is achieved most often using ultrasound, fluoroscopy, and/or computed tomography (CT). Here, Ukimura and colleagues report on the first application of a navigation system using GPS technology and preoperative CT imaging to facilitate percutaneous targeting.

#AUA14 - Lower urinary tract pain and urethral stricture disease: Incidence and effects of urethral reconstruction - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Anterior urethral stricture disease most commonly presents with manifestations of urinary obstruction; lower urinary tract pain (LUTP) is not commonly reported as a presenting symptom.

#AUA14 - Renal and bladder changes while following an observation protocol for spina bifida infants with initial DLPP less than 40cm - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Dr. Melise Keays from the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas (University of Texas, Southwestern) presented 2 observational studies on newborns with spina bifida. Both studies sought to characterize renal and bladder changes that may occur while low-risk patients are followed on an observational protocol for the first 3 years of life.

#AUA14 - Crossfire: Controversies in Urology - Minimally invasive partial nephrectomy is the new gold standard for renal cancer - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - The treatment of small renal masses (SRM’s) and localized kidney cancer has undergone significant changes over the last 2 decades.

#AUA14 - Crossfire: Controversies in Urology - Should the urologist treat hormone resistant prostate cancer? - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - A new addition to the AUA meeting this year was a crossfire section, featuring debates. Speaking to a packed house, the panel debated a timely and hot topic, whether urologists should treat hormone resistant prostate cancer, or refer to medical oncology.

#AUA14 - Contemporary minimally invasive management of adrenal disorders: An international multi-institutional survey - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Over the past 20 years there has been a shift in the surgical management of adrenal lesions from open to different minimally invasive techniques: multi-port conventional laparoscopy, robotics and laparo-endoscopic single-site (LESS) surgery.

#AUA14 - Treatment patterns in patients with recurrent high-risk bladder cancer - Session Highlights

ORLANDO, FL USA ( - Multiple bladder cancer recurrences are more likely to occur in patients with high-risk disease. Association between recurrences and aggressive treatment in patients who have recurrent high-grade bladder cancer has not be reported.