Pediatric Urology
Computer model predicting breakthrough febrile urinary tract infection in children with primary vesicoureteral reflux
April 19, 2016
Reliability of the Grading System for Voiding Cystourethrograms in the Management of Vesicoureteral Reflux: An Interrater Comparison
April 19, 2016
Focusing on organ preservation and function: paradigm shifts in the treatment of pediatric genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma
April 19, 2016
Urinary retention secondary to acute vasculitic penile swelling in a pediatric patient
April 18, 2016
Synovial sarcoma of kidney in a child: A rare presentation
April 11, 2016
Genetics of Bladder Malignant Tumors in Childhood
March 28, 2016
Evaluation of autonomic nervous system function in children with overactive bladder syndrome
March 28, 2016
Risk Factors Associated with Severity and Outcomes in Pediatric Patients with Hemorrhagic Cystitis
March 7, 2016
An Unusual Late Recurrence of Wilms Tumor
March 2, 2016
Impact of a multidisciplinary evaluation in pediatric patients with nocturnal monosymptomatic enuresis
March 1, 2016
Urogenital Manifestations of Metastatic Crohn's Disease in Children: Case Series and Review of the Literature
March 1, 2016